Dr Dan Nicolau Jr won one of the ARC Future Fellowships 2018, a prestigious Australian award

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Earlier this year, Dr Dan Nicolau Jr won one of the ARC Future Fellowships 2018, a prestigious Australian award. Dan extended his work with the Queensland University of Technology QUT in Brisbane, which is an Associate Member of Bio4Comp EU funded Research Project, under the H2020 Workframe (http://bio4comp.org/)

The award, total of AU$978,125, supports the technological development with the potential to disrupt computation by providing a way to solve combinatorial mathematical problems in an efficient manner; namely giving them the ‘human’ ability to multi-task. The ARC Future Fellowships scheme encourages research in areas of Australian national priority, with preference given to researchers who can demonstrate a capacity to build collaboration across industry, with other research institutions and with other disciplines.

QUT is part of a national collaborative group of five major Australian universities that form the ATN (Australian Technology Network of Universities). The current collaboration between QUT and Bio4Comp Consortium and its potential extension through Dr Dan Nicolau Jr’s work is part of a large international Community Research Network on the field of Biocomputation, initiated by the European Project.